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  LOKASI :  Kabupaten Sidoarjo

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  • Scooter mr jackie Red( original)

Scooter mr jackie Red( original)

Update Terakhir
13 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
Dilihat Sebanyak
185 kali
Rp. 266

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Detail Scooter Mr Jackie Red( Original)

Mr.Jackie Scooter with electric power that can be used both teenagers and adults , the motor and the batteries are designed in the best factories with European certification standards ( CE ) . Scooter of the highest quality is a means of transportation that can be used at close range to the school , or to the office market . In addition , this scooter is a means of family entertainment and education of children while on vacation and recreation , and can be used to get around the complex or park with family . Scooter Mr . Jackie can also facilitate mobility in jobs such as project control , patrol on the golf course , shopping malls and office buildings . Since it is very practical and easy to fold . Mr . Jackie has several advantages : 1 . The maximum speed of 30 miles per hour 2 . 24 V DC power , 3 . Battery charging time is 5 ~ 6 hours to use 2 ~ 3 hours nonstop 4 . The maximum user weight of 120 kg max 5 . Protected under a strong foundation and thick plate 6 . Controller uses micro computer 7 . Versatile bag that can be moved 8 . Body is made of fiber -grade quality 9 . Convenient and robust design 10 . Steering wheel and the seat can be adjusted as desired
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